First cut (is the shallowest)
I got the Luba (robot) lawnmower out from its winter hibernation and all set up on Wednesday afternoon. It charged overnight and I cut the large front lawn on Thursday, mapped and cut up by the study yesterday and today finished that area and cut the new bit by the drive.
Getting this flat area sorted was the necessary step to allowing the machine to cut the two areas that hadn't been possible lsat year, and it worked almost perfectly. "Almost" because I had to remove a bit of wood edging which it was managing to surmount, but with difficulty and I suspect would have led to even more difficulty as the cutting deck was lowered during the season.
The new grass here was sown in October last year in the faint hope that it would germinate before the winter. It did in part and now it is filling in very well. The water pump is working when needed (we used it during Storm Eowyn) and to cap it all, this area looks much better than the rough ground that was there before.
If the weather stays dry I will try and cut the orchard tomorrow and then I will believe that the growing season has really arrived.
(My extra photo is from yesterday - cutting the steep bank by the ruin I thought might be impossible. It was a bit nerve wracking watching , but the robot made it !)
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