
By HareBrain


Little Brown Jobs, a term usually applied to little brown birds but in this instance it refers to Mr Bojangles's Choccy Scoffy divinely chocolatey cocoa dusted truffles. Purchased over a month ago and originally destined to accompany a Birthday card for a friend whose Birthday was on the 11th February when I was going to spend the day with her. Sadly that didn't happen as I had started the horrid virus and was laid really low and we haven't been able to meet up since. I have just sent her card though, over a month late and am about to eat the chocolates!!!
As I'm having a bit of a blitz on out of date foodstuffs I don't feel guilty ..... actually I've got a whole year to enjoy them. BB May 2026!

Nice day, frosty start but calm and sunny. Mr HB took to the skies and I waited in for the best painter and decorator anyone could wish for to come and give us a quote for some painting in the house which is long overdue, and which Mr HB and I are not up to doing right now. Whilst waiting, I got fixed on the Ireland -v- Italy Rugby match. Lovely painter has been, will do a quote and if approved can start work end April/beg.May. That will be our first 'TravelswithMatilda' to book so that B and his son can get on with the work with us out of the way.

Mr HB is back now so it's off to Australia for the first GP of the season. I'm disembarking to the kitchen!!

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