Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Dancing with Wings

by the lake today!

Not sure whether this one or extra one should be my blip?

I did get a lay in for about an hour this morning :)

Early morning Aldi shop and home, then I've been doing a few odd jobs and relaxing.

Late afternoon I went down to Dinton Pastures.  Bit too crowded for me but now I can walk further it was quieter.

However, I just cannot believe some people!  They put their puppy in the water right in front of the swans 'to get the puppy used to swans, just because their other dog didn't like swans!!!  Grrrr....

I didn't say anything, but must have looked it, as some woman then came over to tell me the reason they'd done it and apologise for 'interfering with my photography'!  What!.  Luckily I could just walk off...

Some beautiful images of the lake and birds today, but no baby birds yet.

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