Birds, bunny or bee...

Birds, bunny or bee... Birds, bunny or...

Well, you get the picture; I had a rough time choosing tonight! Quite frankly, I like the other three a little better. But I've never posted a bunny. So, based solely on repetition, I decided on this little guy. And he was pretty brave... posing for me for quite a long while. Not many bunnies will stand still in our yard, the dogs make sure of that. But lucky for this one, they were into something else on the other side of the lot. (I'm sure I don't want to know what. They were quiet for far too long.) :-/
Check out Mr. Bunny's fearless plucky pose up-close.

BTW, if you do check out flickr... I know that the "bee" is really a hover fly... it just didn't sound as good for a title. ;)

Today was another crazy busy day! I've been getting unusual amounts of stuff done the last few days or so. By the time evening comes I'm (as Lady M would say) cream crackered. :))

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