Ides of March
There's a lot to be said for going to bed after a nightshift but this idiot of a gal decided to do the engine service on her bike whilst the world around was quiet...and after putting everything back together, riding to the petrol station and refilling the tank, it became obvious that my little recreation of a classic British motorcycle was now behaving like one, leaking oil over the floor. Great.
Back home and diving back in I found the rubber rocker cover gasket snagged. They are a faff to fit and I must have been rushing. It looked 'okay' so was reassembled with a little sealant and ran on the drive for 10 minutes. Am not convinced it's 100% but having no solvent cleaner handy to wash the leaked oil off thoroughly beforehand didn't help.
Will try to be patient and return to it in the week after a few good sleeps. Am now installed for nightshift no.2.
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