Life on the Mothership!

By TheMothership

Every picture tells a story

We’d gone through water for the first time. Took a while but just standing and letting him work it out meant we were successful. Then went on fell to far end. Was fully relaxed, both of us. I was just thinking oh he’s not noticed that shiny brick chimney looking thing when he did. He shot sideways, i shot the other side, hitair jacket went off, he disappeared off the side of the hill. Luckily Joey stayed calm and stood whilst Digby intermittently disappeared out of view as he galloped back and forth. Eventually he appeared back over the hill after some mutual whinnying and came straight to me, all boots flapping. He let me get on at a style next to busy road then we rode back slowly. His feet will be sore tomorrow. I seem to have got away with it.

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