David J. Rose

By djrose007


Julia messaged us saying she is coming home but not to tell the girls.
She arrived around 10:30 and crept in the front door.
She was coming up the stairs so I whispered "They are in the dining room".
My whisper must be louder than most peoples as one of the girls walked into the hallway. Her face lit up and she shouted "MUMMY". . She was quickly followed by the other girl who's face also lit up. It was very emotional as it was so unexpected for them.
Unfortunately, Julia has to be back at RAF Cranwell for 16:00 tomorrow so will have to leave around 13:00 latest.
They had a nice day out with Julia, Johanna, Ruby and Eric, and now (19:40) they are in bed and all is at peace in the house.
Night Night everyone, Night Night (as Sooty used to say).

P.S. and a better shot of them with their spectacles on  :-)

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