
By PorridgeWog

Between showers (Day 3596)

My day started with a wander with Sigyn. While she was still on the lead, she spotted a hare. Her slow, wobbly shuffle became a much more coordinated walk. She got all her legs under proper control and started to drag me towards the disappearing hare. It was grand to see her looking a bit more like her younger self.
Back home I got a couple of inside chores done, planning to go outside and finish making a hay crate later in the morning. By the time I was ready to get out, the weather wasn't. I didn't really fancy working with power tools outside in the rain so the hay crate can wait til another day. Another indoor job, defrosting one of our freezers, made it to the top of the list. Thanks to cunning use of a heat gun and wet vac, I had the freezer de-iced and back working again in under 20 minutes.
Around noon, I looked at the weather and decoded waterproofs were required for a wander with Sigyn. Obviously, because I was wearing waterproofs, the rain stayed off for the whole of the walk.
The rest of the afternoon has been spent watching the rugby.
It seems my beautiful wife has had a good day working south.

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