
By Farmerboab

Boabby at the beach…..

A frosty start this morning but dry and sunny all day .
Got everything fed then loaded up 10 tons of the seed barley onto a trailer and took it down to my contractor’s shed so it’s there when they are ready to start seeding. After a coffee and a catch up , headed home. There are now roadworks and a set of 4 way traffic lights on the Lady Brae. Trundling up with a full load they were at red meaning I had to start from the bottom of the gear box all over again. Coming home , they were at red again , but when they turned green again the traffic waiting to come up the hill was blocking me with a tractor and 25 ft trailer getting down. Who ever set up the lights obviously didn’t have a clue, and as usual no one doing any road works either.
Back home then off to hand the VAT stuff in to the CA then on to Gullane beach to treat Mrs F and the 2 border terrorists to a walk . It was a nice day for it , not March weather at all.
Back home and back reality to feeding cattle again……

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