Caught Up in da Greenhoose
A breezy day, with a sunny morning. Clouded over in the afternoon, a couple of showers. Flat calm and clear tonight.
Slept longer than expected, finally got out walkies with Sammy after breakfast. Nipped down to mam's, just dad home for a cuppa. Popped by the garden centre on my way home. An afternoon in the greenhouse. Met friend Julie for walkies before tea. A quiet evening at home with the telly.
I'm a fair bit behind with my bedding plant seeds, but finally got them sown, watered and covered up ready to grow. I got a few extras today, so I potted up the primulas and violas, they should add some extra colour to the garden. Note Kitty, she fairly likes it in the greenhouse, not sure if she's trying to help or looking for a new playground. Looks like there's still room for a few more seed trays. Taken in Hawthorn Cottage garden, Houl Road, Scalloway.
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