Not Happy!
The girls were playing doctors and found a live patient in Molly (instead of using me for a change).
The plaster cast looks really tight on her foot, but she's got a lot of fur, so looks worse than it is. Anyway, I made them take it off as I didn't want Molly to get stressed out.
Took the girls shopping for some new swimmers this morning, as Mia's fell apart yesterday.
Not easy at this time of year as they are already getting in winter clothes even though it's 28c!
But we found some in a sale. And we managed to get matching pairs as that was what they wanted.
We also got a skirt for Isabella and a couple of t-shirts for Mia and a couple of Maths workbooks for them to do.
As we'd got new swimmers they then decided they wanted to go back to the pool today.
They've extended the free days over the weekend now, so it may be a bit busier, but there was hardly anyone there today, which was great.
School will resume next week, but they've had to do a lot of re-organising,
Some of the classrooms are so badly damaged that they've had to put 4 classes into the hall, some in the music room, some into the foreign language room. Luckily, they've also got a few empty rooms which they can now use.
They've also cancelled, parent/teacher interviews and school photos till next term, and we've heard nothing about the Easter Bonnet Parade, which will be a shame if that is cancelled too.
There's only 3 weeks left of term, but I can't see much being fixed over the Easter Break.
Also, there are a lot of other schools that have been damaged too, and some people still don't have any power.
Anyway, it will all get fixed in the end and at least the sun is shining.
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