So far the new cheese press is doing its job. I took this photo immediately after I loaded it up, and now - four hours later - it has dropped by a good 3cm, which is exactly as it should behave.
There was a heavy dew this morning (7C minimum overnight) which hadn't burnt off by the time the daytime temperature crept above 26C, which is my labouring cut-off point. So the grass isn't going to be cut today.
However the overnight low tonight is forecast to be 16C, so a dew in the morning is unlikely. I have accordingly organised my week so that I have plenty of time tomorrow to mow and line-trim, before the temperature once more drifts above 26C. By tomorrow night a lengthy and rain-laden southerly will arrive, preventing grass control for several days afterwards.
It is all about the weather Chez M&B.
We had a walk before 9.30 this morning so that Bean could scamper and hurtle in the cool air. She has been doing the sunshine shuffle ever since, and drinking water copiously.
Needless to say there have been plenty of things to do, other than mowing. Yoghurt, whey ricotta and mayo are done. Corn chowder is underway. Tomatoes have been chopped and put into a bag in the freezer for future use. Everything in the tunnel house has been fed and watered. I've picked more tomatoes, courgettes and strawberries.
It is quite a 'doing day' it seems.
A good one :-)
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