I'm Walkin' . . . Fats Domino
This morning was calm and sunny and the tide was coming in. I suggested a walk along rocks road. The carpark at Tahuna Beach was nearly full so everyone had the same idea. Extra shows the variety of water activities happening. People of all ages were walking and the occassional jogger.
Last nights dinner was a success. The salmon was better than supermarket salmon. My salad had baked beetroot in it. They have got rather big in the garden and so I hit on the idea of boiling it first before it went in the oven. It worked to make it tender. I'm a slow learner. Martin had a USB with what he labels 'good photos' and we looked at birds from Africa, New Mexico and New Zealand. Inspiring. They enjoyed their time in Golden Bay and Kathy is thinking of inviting her friend from Alaska to come down next year and they could walk the Able Tasman Track. Her friend gets tired of the long winter in Anchorage.
Thank you for the comments for the two Herons. It made the popular page :-)
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