
By RadioGirl

A Frustrating Day

With nothing in the diary, I began sorting some of the boxes, and set up the small television and my old Sky+HD satellite box in the bedroom. I am a bit of a philistine, and refuse to update my non-Smart equipment until it’s worn out or no longer does the basics with the latest technology, but as I have the same setup in the lounge I know that what I have does still receive the FreeSat channels perfectly well. Although I don’t have a Sky subscription any more, my research showed that it should still receive a decent number of the FreeSat channels. Having plugged all the right cables into all the right sockets, I switched on in anticipation. No signal! Prepared for this to possibly happen, I went online and bought the cheapest FreeSat box from Argos, drove over to collect it, got home and plugged it all up. No signal! It’s bizarre, because the whole setup in the lounge is still working perfectly well!! I’m going to have to get the professionals in to check the LNB on the dish - which is at least 12 years old and has probably deteriorated in the strong sun - and the cabling (which, sadly, goes into the two bedrooms via the loft). And so my run of bad luck with facilities in the house continues….

I was so sidetracked with the above that I forgot to get a decent blip. This is my current book club novel - and I’m really enjoying it so far.

** UPDATE ** It’s now Sunday morning, and I swiched the bedroom tv and box on out of idle curiosity and… it’s working! As with the tumble dryer, however, it’s an intermittent fault (the worst kind to diagnose, according to the maintenance engineers I used to work with at the BBC). Tune in again for the next thrilling instalment!!

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