
By soozsnapz

At the allotment

For the first time this year. It’s always felt too cold, or too rainy, up til now. Lovely to be there as ever, though there’s a lot of work to do. I dug over a new little bed for my Tesco clematis and honeysuckle. They were dry little sticks when I bought them in the autumn, but now looking very promising. I have a kind of climbing frame for them which I will add soon. I also planted out two blueberry plants which my dil gave me, as they weren’t doing well in pots in her little courtyard garden. I added a big bag of ericaceous (acidic)compost first, as that’s what they require. It certainly won’t be cheaper than buying them at Tesco - but definitely more fun. The third picture is of my next door plot-neighbours artichoke, which will soon grow very tall and have wonderful blue flowers. A couple of hours down there performed it’s usual magic and i felt in much better spirits

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