The Life and Times of ...

By PappaG

Nice'n'eazy day

Afternoon all,

Hoping I haven't jinxed it but today has been quite a calm day, couple of boats out the locks, a tug later. Eternally grateful whenever these days come. Helps when Handsome Boy calls at 2.30am needing a lift home as his Uber cancelled and couldn't get a taxi, got back at 3.40am, up for work at 4.30. Thank God I don't need much sleep!
This is a security mirror looking along our new laydown area for future wind farm work and as part of our Green Freeport status .....7,000 steps end to end.
The extra is of Leith beach.... cut off from the world when the harbour was extended years ago. I go do my beach cleaning here, sit and enjoy the view when work allows. 

Have a great day
TTFN :0)

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