Groundhog Day!

Got to that point in the project where every day is starting to become the same unfortunately. On the one hand I'm happy that I'm now in the closing stages of this years project, but on the other hand - rather enjoying it as well. This place has become home from home.

And that's kinda where I'm at - forgetting which day I've got to. One small problem has become apparent that to hit the target this year I can have no more days off. Which means working solid for 23 days without a break. If we get any bad weather days, I'll be having to make up lost hours on the pass as well. Simply cannot afford to fall short. Already at 225k images this year, aiming for a full 375k.

New website is finished as well and just looks superb. Within minutes orders started coming in - although that's not surprising as we haven't published for 9 days straight now. 5 of those days are now published and my wife will be finishing off the missing August dates sooner than later.

What I don't understand is why the new website just looks brighter, the actual photos look brighter than when they are on Defect. Compare the two side by side and Defect's photos just look drab.

Another point of concern is the shutter button on the 50D. Just doesn't feel good, you really have to hit it in the right place at the moment and definitely feels like it's getting worse. Instead of pressing it, you have to stab at it.

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