Rodley Nature Reserve
Just back from a very enjoyable few hours spent at Rodley Nature Reserve, Leeds.
Today’s highlight was seeing the very illusive Water Rail. It took some spotting, as although quite near the hide, it was so well camouflaged as it strutted about in amongst the reeds.
No chance of a photograph I’m afraid.
Still great to see.
I did manage a photo of a snipe and a female mandarin duck although not so clear as they were both out in the middle of the lagoon.
We watched two shoveler ducks, male and female, going round and round in circles for ages. I think it was a kind of courtship ‘ dance’.
Two swans seem to have paired up again but no nest building yet.
Two oystercatchers were however making a sort of nest on an island. They lay their eggs in a shallow scrape in the bare ground.
Also quite a lot of teal, moorhens, tufted ducks, gulls, and mallards.
Although well wrapped up we began to feel chilly and so warmed up in the cafe with coffee and apple pies. It’s run by volunteers and they don’t charge. Just ask for a donation which goes towards running the Reserve.
While there we could watch a kestrel preening itself in a nesting box, and two barn owls asleep in another. All thanks to new cameras which have been placed in the boxes and then relay the photos up on two screens.
Hopefully they will lay some eggs soon.
We did have a few showers on and off but were able to shelter in the hides.
Not sure when this warmer weather is coming. Still pretty cold here!
Birds in the collage:
Top left lapwing,..clockwise ..
Swans and gulls
Mandarin duck
Female pheasant.
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