Life At 60°

By Lifeat60Degrees

Open Gate

I can't resist an open gate and so this morning's walk took me through a field and up a hill that is not normal. As a result a different view of the central area of the village.
A dry day with an easterly wind helping to dry the land. It's not been too bad a winter and with a particularly dry spell in February a drought warning has been issued for the Isles. With Shetland being so narrow there is never really a build up of water but there still seems to be plenty to go round.
30 bird species this week with the end of the week being very quiet although I did have the first Chaffinch of the year in the garden yesterday. A common migrant describes as having bred on "occasions"
Sunrise 6:18
Sunset 18:10
This time next week we will have entered the time of year where time between sunrise and sunset exceeds sunset and sunrise.

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