
By ayearinthelife

Bottoms Up

A shorter walk than usual this morning as we couldn’t trust that it would remain dry. Walking along the river in the warm sunshine was most pleasant and that is where I spotted these ducks. You can see how dry it’s been recently by how low the river is. Good job they’re cracking on with those flood defences eh!!?
As it happened, it didn’t actually rain, but it did become quite chilly and windy a little further on. The coffee and cake in Caffè Nero was most welcome. Home in time to watch the Australian GP highlights. A very exciting race and a good result for the Brits.
Third performance of the play tonight, and there may be an added frisson as real life wife, Mrs C, will be in the audience watching me and stage wife. I hope she doesn’t get too jealous - there is some fairly intense hand holding during the play!

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