The church in Ladbroke (near Southam, Warwickshire) has an interesting history and several fossils in the church walls. When some significant restoration was done on the building a few years ago, more were revealed and the church now has a display of some of the finds. There are also finds from when local stone was quarried and shaped to replace some of the old stone removed.
This afternoon we took our granddaughter over to see them as my photo club contact had organised an open day with the chance to get close to and handle some of the finds. She enjoyed seeing the exhibits and being able to handle them.
My blip is a dressed and polished ammonite, perhaps 75mm across - there is a bigger one in the extra, found in a garden next to the church when foundations were dug for an extension. This one is more like 500mm across. I'll probably go back on a warmer day with a tripod and see what I can get.
Well worth a look if you are near the village. There is a guide on the Ladbroke Heritage website. The pdf file Jurassic Ladbroke.
The church restoration was funded by a lottery grant - one of the conditions is that the organisation receiving the grant provides something back into the local community - the open day and fossil display are part of that.
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