(No photo yesterday as we had a day off and I spent it feeling incredibly sad, ensconced in blankets on the sofa...)
Today has been a weird day; my period pain has been absolutely kicking my buns since yesterday evening, but we'd been planning to meet Mary & Keith today and I didn't want to let them down as the last few planned meetings got cancelled due to storms and illnesses. I did have a lovely time chatting with them, Sarah & Kie, and had a really nice chilli with garlic bread and chips for lunch. Unfortunately due to the aforementioned period, I had to scarper not long after eating and, after a quick shower and dumping most of my clothes in the wash, found myself sitting alone listening to the Severance podcast. Once that was done, I finished my 5th book of my fundraising Bookworm Challenge, Oh Miriam! by Miriam Margolyes (very eloquently written and frequently funny, but honestly I could stand to know a little less about Margolyes than what was shared in the book..!) I was feeling a little hormonal lonely after a bit, but thankfully Kie and Rich got here at about 8pm, and we've been watching wrestling and crap music countdowns and whatnot since.
Photo is me feeling quite cute this morning in my St Patrick's themed AEW Best Friends shirt.
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