Flowers make me happy, even napkins looking like flowers can make me smile. Apparently 20 March is the VN's International Day of Happiness. Now I can't really see how in this very strange year anybody can feel enduring happiness with all the weird stuff going on, but of course we do have to try to find hope and happiness wherever we can. So I propose the optional theme for this Thursday's Abstract Thursday Challenge is 'abstract happiness' and look forward to what you can all come up with ! The tag will be AT508.
Thanks so much for all your entries, even when I had totally forgotten to give the results and a new optional theme last week ! Here's the list of 5 special entries:
Hotmandarins vibrant mess
ApolloFly colourful twirl
davidc oily footstep
Apothecary7 own artistic work
RadioGirl dramatic sky
Thanks so much for all your kind comments and stars for my Blips last week !
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