
By Skysea7

Early Visitor!

I was woken at 5.30am today by plastic bag rattling noises. I followed the sound in my bedroom and found Eric the hedgehog!!!! He hasn’t visited for a while!

I had been having a clear-out but not had the energy to take the biin bag upstairs and outside to the bin. There was no food in it!

My house is reversed level so my bedroom is on the ground floor. The cat flap that Eric the hedgehog uses is also on the ground floor. Though to get to it he has to go up some outdoor wooden steps. Knowing that he visits, I always leave him food and water indoors close to the cat flap. To get to my bedroom, where there is no food and water, he has to turn a corner and walk about 12 large human paces down the hall. I leave my bedroom door propped open a tiny bit for the cats to come and go. I have no idea why he came into the bedroom.

I rolled him into a cardboard box and put him outside with the box on its side, with food and water close by. I expect I’ll be seeing him again! He’s much bigger than when I first met him. He used to come up the house stairs and eat the cat food in the kitchen. I did a blip of him under my sofa.

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