Secret Garden... the branches of a tree.
We threw on our clothes this morning and took Spike for a walk first thing. The weather was not looking propitious and real rain was predicted for 11am. It wasn't difficult to forego our usual careful perusal of the Sunday papers this morning. We wound up on the Brush Creek trail where we met a man who greeted us with an unsolicited tirade about turning the lawn of the White House to sell electric cars when a few months ago he was badmouthing electric cars. He seemed sane enough, just very upset. We ended up at Trail House for a coffee and were still home before the rain started at just about 11am.
How do they do that? Especially now that the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) is being dismantled. They're the ones who, among other things, track Santa's visit from the North Pole around the earth on Christmas Eve. Is this benighted administration even banning Santa along with Black people and women?
It's been a dispiriting drizzle for most of the rest of the day and the forecast isn't looking very promising for the rest of the week. But the corned beef and cabbage is in the pot along with carrots and of my favorite meals, only consumed on St. Patrick's Day. In this case, it will be consumed with Jim tonight since Dana is still in Mexico and we thought we'd give him a break from cooking Sunday supper tonight....
Jim and John are working on filling out income tax forms and I feel like sticking my fingers in my ears and singing la la I don't hear how much money might be winding uo somehow in the pockets of the richest man in the world. At least Tesla stock is still tanking....strange times when we console ourselves with the fact that the economy is also tanking....
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