
By Lsquare

Getting Dressed For Battle!

We gathered at FBC this morning under skies that were cloudless and blue, but not as bright blue as they could have been because of the dust and smoke from wild fires in other places.  We came together to worship and praise God, to love on and minister to one another and to pray for the rain we so desperately need in this area.  We began our service with a congregational song to unite and focus our hearts, which was followed by the welcome from Pastor Wes and his adorable assistant.  The choir, orchestra and all our talented accompanists presented a worshipful version of "Holy Forever", followed by more congregational singing.  Then Pastor Wes spoke to us from Ephesians 6:13-17,  He reminded us that despite the fact that we have been saved by grace through faith and that we are adopted as beloved children into God's family,and that  nothing on earth in the physical realm nor anything in the spiritual realm can take that from us, we do have a very real unseen enemy who would like nothing better than to keep us from enjoying our relationship with God and His people and hinder the task God has set before each of us.  I urge you to check out the live-stream to find out just how He wants us to respond to this unseen enemy where he lays it all out very clearly.....

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