We’ve reclaimed this stretch of the High Street…
Well apart from a boarded up hole on the pavement and a DHL van parked on the footpath. And at least it gave me a pic of a man at work!
For non- locals there has been scaffolding up there for nearly 2 years so it’s about time it was gone.
And the silly bit…
To get my legs fit for display in summer I usually shave them and I’ve been using my late husbands Philips shaver. At the ripe age of about 22 it gave up the ghost last week so this morning I bought a replacement. Then I spent a good hour looking for the adapter to charge it. To be fair most of the time was spent tidying and cleaning the drawer it was in because a battery had split and there was black bits everywhere. Then I discovered that the adaptor didn’t fit so spent ages trying to read the instructions that come in myriad languages to see what they say about the adaptor. I was on the point of parcelling it all up and returning it to Boots when I had a light bulb moment. Things have changed in 20+ years and the shaver is charged with a USB connector! I suppose the bright side is I have cleared a lot of rubbish out the drawer where I found the adapter I no longer need.
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