
By Marionb

What A Difference...

...A Day Makes! 

Signs of Spring popping up all over! The snow is gone..snowdrops are blooming on the lawn, there is nesting action in the birdhouse, and tulips and daffodils bulbs are coming to life......Wow! 

There was a little spring in my step too...I actually tried to rejuvenate some domestic skills in the kitchen...

Everyone seems to be baking banana bread these days...Why? I do not know, but  it inspired me to join the movement and search for my old baking recipes which have been in hiding for decades now...I had the bananas, but had to go digging to find my loaf tin; it was hidden away in the basement in a cupboard along with other mementos of the good old days when I actually baked  - pie tins, muffin tins, a bundt pan and oh wow - my old weighs-a-ton KitchenAid mixer which I had  retired years ago as well...Forgot I even had one! I was on a roll! Put that apron on! 

The banana bread turned out almost well...It didn't need as much time in the toaster oven as I remember it needing in the stove's oven..but it was still tasty and it will be easy to reduce the cooking time when I give it another try.  

Smelling success in the aroma coming from the oven, I was  inspired to continue in the kitchen for a while longer...and had more success with my reliable lentil salad recipe; it is nigh onto impossible to goof that one up! (extra) No cooking required! 

The upside of time spent  in the kitchen was less time following the Trump never-ending saga of scary new announcements, but I couldn't resist taking a peek. 

The one today about "alien invasion" was quite a surprise...say what? Anyone visiting the USA for more than a month must register and perhaps be fingerprinted ?....Which of course  means Canadian snowbirds, (and I used to be one of them) as they stay for the whole winter. They will now have to register and actually carry their "alien registration" papers with them at all times? Really? And will be fined if stopped and found to be without said papers? So far, imprisonment has not been mentioned....Does this remind anyone of anything? I mean really? Carry your "papers"? 

This scares me, but it will not affect me personally, as when Trump was elected president for the first time, I vowed never to set foot again in the USA - as much as I had loved going there...and I have kept that promise ever since and will continue until the USA of old which time I will happily return to the desert, mountains and canyons of the southwest...the scenic, quaint and charming New England states... etc etc...

In the meantime? Every day, a new edict... That day of returning looks more and more remote. 

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