Trial and Error

By DawnC

Trusssssssst in me

My brother saw my moth picture yesterday and wondered if it might be an Early Thorn and, having looked at pictures of said species, there is a definite resemblance.

Today's picture is unquestionably an adder, which the boys and I saw (and the dogs completely missed) over Iron Hill just now. He or she was in a hurry to get away from us and I only had my macro lens and no time to change the settings but I was pleased to get a picture at all of one of these elusive creatures. We also saw a slow worm, which a jogger stopped and looked at too and declared it the biggest he'd ever seen.

In other news, Yolanda's was closed when the boys got there yesterday (I didn't realise half-day closing still happened on Wednesdays)! So they're off back down there shortly to have another try...

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