All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Fuelling up

Started the day with a run at Falkirk parkrun. It’s the closest one to Iain’s place and I needed to stay local as I had a quick turnaround for my day / night out.

He made me an omelette for brunch to ensure I had some food to line my stomach, before driving me over to my pals house in Blackburn . We then met up with her sisters and a friend for a bit of daytime drinking before getting the train into Edinburgh. We were going to an “Old School” daytime disco. Actually below the venue where I did used to go clubbing back in the 90’s so brought back lots of memories. I don’t drink that often so after lots of shots and cocktails, I was glad it actually finished at 7.30pm!

Managed to get the train back to Polmont, although the walk to Haymarket from the club in high heels after hours of dancing was pretty painful! Fortunately Iain was waiting at Polmont station to scoop me up!

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