
By tridral

Bar yn y ffyliaid rhyfedd

Bar yn y ffyliaid rhyfedd ~ A bar at the folies bizarre

“There is nothing which has yet been contrived by man, by which so much happiness is produced as by a good tavern.”
― Samuel Johnson

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Rydw i wedi meddwl yn aml mae'n rhyfedd ein bod ni'n mynd i le arbennig ar amser arbennig i siarad Cymraeg, yng Nghymru. Mae ffrind o'r Almaen gyda ni a doedden nhw ddim yn cael y broblem hon gyda siarad Almaeneg yn yr Almaen. Felly dyma ni, unwaith eto mewn bar ffyliaid rhyfedd (folies bizarre). (Allwn i ddim gwrthsefyll y gair mwys (pun) ar enw paentiad Manet.

Heddiw gwnes i ddeall mwy o'r sgyrsiau. Roedden ni'n siarad am yr emyn 'Calon Lân' lle rydyn ni'n canu 'Nid wy’n gofyn bywyd moethus', Dwedodd rhywun yn y grŵp dylen ni ddim yn canu'r emyn hwn os rydyn ni'n chwarae loteri. Mae'n swnio teg i fi…

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I've often thought it's bizarre that we go to a special place at a special time to speak Welsh, in Wales. We have a German friend with us and they don't have this problem with speaking German, in Germany. So here we are, once again at a bar at at the folies bizarre. (I couldn't resist the pun on the name of a Manet painting.

Today I understood more of the conversations. We were talking about the hymn 'Calon Lân' where we sing 'I don't ask for a luxurious life', Someone in the group said we shouldn't sing this hymn if we play the lottery. It sounds fair to me…

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg) : Bar coffi yn y Tafarn Llwyn Celyn ,wedi'i brosesu â phicseli dŵr (GIMP 3.0)

Description (English) : Coffee bar at the Hollybush Inn, processed with water pixels (GIMP 3.0)

འགྲེལ་བཤད།(བོད་ཡིག) : ཆང་ཁང་ (chang khang ) Tavern
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