Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Ball spotter

When I was walking Xena in the woods today she suddenly darted off down another path and was barking at something up a tree. I assumed it was a squirrel as is usually the case, but when I caught up with her I saw that she had spotted this ball stuck in the tree - I was amazed that she had noticed it! She was rewarded with me getting it out of the tree and she played with it for the remainder of our walk.

I finished my packing and when Tommy came back from the gym with the car, I loaded it up and was ready and organised. I left home at about 2.30pm and had an easy drive to Dorchester, it only took 2 hours 20 minutes and there was no traffic. I am now unpacked in my room in the B&B where we are staying, and will get picked up in a short while by Guy Edwardes to go out to supper at a restaurant in town. I have not met the other two photographers yet but I believe they are here. The B&B is very basic but will be fine for a few days.

Tommy left by train to go to Inca's house where he will stay for the week, working from there. She is studying for her finals and is coming there directly from Cambridge. He was shocked at the cost of the train tickets - the UK is known to be the most expensive in Europe, and in Munich it is particularly cheap so he thought he was seeing things when a ticket from us in Surrey to Stroud varied from £200 to £80. You can get a flight for cheaper than that! Eventually he found a ticket using his 18-25 rail card for £55 but that is still ridiculous when the distance is not that great, it's about 2 hours 15 mins by car.

Oh and I got my Esta visa for the USA today, that is a relief!

Tomorrow morning will be a very early start as usual, I fear it will be a 4.30am wake up and then out all day. I have to channel my inner energy reserves for the next few days ahead!

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