Organic, free and good for the garden!
On the way home we stopped at the costa in the services and saw a notice for used coffee grounds for the garden. Brenda always used to get these as she came home from her son's so I knew what they were and asked if I could have some! I was immediately given two bagsful!
After drinking our drinks - hot chocolate for me - and eaten our snacks - prawn sandwich for me - jam toast for Ro - we were on our way!
An accident on the motorway meant a longish detour but we ended up at the Trafford centre and had a baked potato and chilli in Costco.
We finally arrived home late afternoon. I feel exhausted but Ro drove all the way and is fine! He is still coughing - so many coughing at the moment!!
Many thanks gillyH for hosting the Mono Monday challenge today.
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