
By ZE1Christie

Mamma Yowe's Twins

Frosty first thing, but a beautiful calm day, with a gentle breeze.  Mostly sunny, with clouds passing over.  A lovely evening too.

 A new week, I started on the sooth essykert with Jack and Lewis.  We've been on black bags, from Sumburgh, Virkie, Boddam, Levenwick, Fladdabister and Quarff.  It has mostly been a t-shirt kind of day.  Popped by the supermarket on my way home.  Working in the shop this evening, a fairly quiet night compared to normal.  Feet up before bed. 

After seeing some lambs yesterday, I saw loads more again today.  Plenty of crofters seem to have slipped the rams early last year.  This three lambs really were the cutest, and they all came charging up when they spotted the essykert coming.  I didn't get to clap them, but I was happy with a quick photo.  They really do have lovely markings.  Mother and her twins, plus another mother and lamb behind, at the Toogs junction, Quarff.

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