Hubble bubble...
"Morning! It's shower day today"
"I don't like that"
"Well you're having one, come on".
Showered, shampooed, hair blow dried, then breakfast. How the other half live. :-)
Spotted 5 buzzards during the morning's walkabout. Plenty of birdsong too. Spring has arrived. Puddles are drying out, tadpoles are running out of habitat.
Left Mum with a snack for lunch. Drove up to Exeter to visit J in hospital. Not happy, not eating. I took him a prawn sandwich. He ate half. Problems with both mobile phones. He has no idea what's wrong. I certainly don't. Flippin technology!!
Drive back down to CK. Make a roast for Mum & I. Her laundry is all dry. Perfect. Eat dinner, watch Countryfile together, do the dishes, head home. Pick in my laundry, get it on the airer. Sit down with a cider Relief!
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