
By Kipsie


Did the ironing before I left home, packed a couple of bits for J.
Phoned the hospital to cancel J's appointments. Kept the apt at Paignton Health & Wellbeing Centre in case J is out of hospital.
Down to CK. Usual routine. Have another go at the jigsaw puzzle while Mum's lunch is cooking. Mum & Indie fed, drove up to RD&E. I have to try and sort problem with his phones which I'm not happy about BUT realise it's a BIG deal for J.
"Hello, how are you feeling?"
"I thought you'd be here before now"
I picked up both phones, told him not to speak to me the way he does and left the ward. I was so angry.
I sat downstairs in the hospital entrance trying to regain my composure. Drank the coffee I'd bought when I arrived. Messaged Jos who is really savvy when it comes to techie stuff but thought she might be working. She did'nt reply. I walked outside to get some fresh air, sat in the bus shelter. A lady in her 40's? was on her mobile. I wondered if she could help me. I waited until she was free then asked if she could possibly help me... at which point I just went to pieces. She was very kind, & helped me put credit on one of J's phones. I felt such an idiot, but so relieved she was able to help.
I walked back up to the ward, explained what I'd been able to do, then the hospital porters came to get J for a CT Scan & Xray. He wanted me to wait, so I did the crossword, word wheel, & attempted the sudoku. Martin, the gentleman in the next bed was not a happy bunny... J returned about 30mins later.
I caught the traffic leaving Exeter city centre so took me 45mins to get home.
Mandy was just driving back from bringing her horses in so pulled in for a quick chat kerbside. I told her I'm going to print off an image of our beachside apt view and pin it up at home so I have something good to think about..... Not that I'm counting. ;-)

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