Kernel (...
...not colonel. What a weird language English is. Who would ever guess that those two words are pronounced the same?)
I have to say it again...the corn taste just as good as they look. Creamy buttery and sweet.
It is my first ever Blip for Tiny Tuesday: I couldn't go past the challenge of the theme of 'vegetable'! Thanks for hosting, Jensphotos :-)
The rain arrived in the night as forecast and has continued off and on all day. 29C max yesterday. 12C max today.
I timed a morning walk spectacularly badly. Bean and I turned tail after only a couple of kilometres. We were well-soaked and dripped all the way home. Real drowned rats. To make up for it we nipped out for a second walk this afternoon after I'd checked the rain radar properly. Success!
Otherwise Bean has been snoozing on Pink and I've been having a cookathon: chutney; a couple of flans; more soup; and a crumble.
An indoorsy day well-spent.
Thank you so much for the outpouring of love yesterday. What a wonderful place we share here.
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