Grevillea... a cube !
This afternoon I hosted our group of friends that enjoy photography. The plan was to go out to Geraldine Talbot Forest and scavange for fungi. But the weather really had other ideas, freezing cold winds and heaps of rain. Remembering yesterday was 34 deg, today we reached 14 deg.
Instead, the ladies came here with their laptops with the thought of doing some Photoshop stuff.
We tackled the Mirror Box Effect, which we had done before - some initial difficulties but got there in the end. I had made a written tutorial when we last made them, but this time there seemed to be some issues between PC and Mac !! All sorted :)
Because I hadn't taken a photo earlier, I had used an older one off my computor, so after they left I went outside and took a quick photo of the grevillea in the rain to get a photo taken on the day. Its not perfect but will do. The rain can be seen in my blip !
Catch up tomorrow
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