
By Catbrook


If I'm not loitering in York's train station, then I can most likely be found skulking in the cities snickelways.

This is the third day running of 'man-in-a-suit'. Not intentional, honestly!

I think this guy expected me to get out of way a little sooner. He was going at quite an impressive speed considering he'd just turned a corner into a narrow snickelway. I rapid-fired him and jumped out of the way at the last moment, with a grin and a 'thank you' (he knew full well what I was up to). He grinned back and doffed an imaginary cap.

Snickelway Series

1.Pope's Head Alley
2.Black Horse Passage
3.Coffee Yard and Gr*p*c**t Lane
4.Mad Alice Lane
5.Lady Peckett's Yard
7.Lady Peckett's Yard: the return
8.Hornpot Lane

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