
By maureen6002

Still fading

We postpone our planned walk until tomorrow when we should be back to spring sunshine, and set about a day indoors. 

G’s working on redecorating prep - sanding out chips in the old picture rail that’s gone back on the newly plastered walls, enjoying the task so much he goes hunting for further chips on door frames etc. In a house dating back to 1903 there are many areas that could do with a bit of tlc! 

I spend time searching for flights to Cape Town in August when we start our Namibia adventure. The trip’s been booked for over year - but for the flights, and I’m pleased to eventually find these at a ‘reasonable’ price. Unfortunately, it looks like we will be away when baby number two arrives - we certainly hadn’t predicted another gorgeous grandchild quite so soon!

So it’s indoor photography today - the tulips that featured in last Monday’s blip are still around, though I’ve now removed them from the vase and placed the desiccated flowers on a board. Four of them feature in today’s blip - not mono as I love the colours far too much! 

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