Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

Three score years and how many?

Celebrations in this household today; W's 'big birthday'.  I've planned a couple of things for later in the week but today was all about celebrating with friends.  After opening her presents this morning we headed off to the Blakeney Hotel for lunch with our friends GracieG and M.  A superb meal as usual before heading back to our house where we were joined by Bom for tea and birthday cake.  And a couple more glasses of something bubbly might have entered the fray as well.

It's a bit of a double celebration too as W recently had the 'all clear' after her operation for breast cancer.  She had a short course of radiotherapy to 'tidy up' any stray cells but now only needs annual check-ups to ensure she stays clear.  All the more reason to celebrate.

The picture was taken by the waitress at the hotel as the main courses arrived.  I won't be eating again before tomorrow!

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