A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer


It turns out that Panasonic breadmakers are reasonably easy to disassemble.  And easy to disassemble in a way that makes life more difficult, but we'll not speak of that.

The part that drives the stir'y thing had broken.  Quite why, in a machine whose operational parts are almost entirely metal, the stress-taking part of made out of plastic, is left as an exercise for the reader.

However, it transpires that spares are available, so I disassembled the beast to make sure that the supposed right part offered by the 3rd-party website really matched our real part before placing the order.

"New kata night" at karate.  An informal name, but when everyone has just graded practically everyone has a new kata (a predefined sequence of moves) to learn.  C's comment was that she liked 'new kata night' as it's clear that no-one has any idea what they are doing.

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