By greengirl


Obviously I didn’t take photo - that’s me being blinded by the flashlight of my Dad’s camera. But I wanted to post it because tomorrow will be my lovely Mum’s birthday. When this photo was taken, she was in her early 20s and I was only a few weeks old. I’m sure I never looked this glamorous a few weeks after the birth of my firstborn (Sarah).
I haven’t taken any other photos today as I have been preoccupied with having a job interview (I shall tell you what for if I actually get the job). I am totally out of practice when it comes to interviews and I have hardly any formal clothes or shoes , bring an outdoorsy kind of person who never attends dinner parties or posh “dos”. However, I cobbled together a respectable outfit and researched the company, and I turned up on time and answered all their questions…so we shall see.
Happy birthday tomorrow, Mum!

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