On Fire
The sky this evening. Wish I was firing on all cylinders, but hopefully I will again once I've had my latest heart blip sorted??
I dropped Mr HB off at a local watering hole at 1 pm and collected him at 3 pm, he had had a good time with our friend C enjoying the local Amber nectar and putting the world to rights in so many areas; flying featured alot as well! Once picked up we headed to the local card shop to purchase 11 cards, mostly for Birthdays plus 1 retirement 1 get well and one special Birthday, we're going to the party to celebrate it on Friday. Hope I stay upright for some of it?!
I was sad to finish my latest read last night: 'The Giver of Stars' by Jo Jo Moyes.
I'm a great fan of hers and this was one of my favourites: based on the true story of the real Horseback Librarians of Kentucky in the depression era. Strong women, friendship, horses and books - a perfect recipe.
Sunny, but very windy today.
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