We forgot that there was no Zoom Pilates today and were all dressed and ready to go by 8:30 this morning. We had to take a load of laundry to Dana's, so decided to go to the soccer field and throw Spike's ball for him. There's something very therapeutic about watching that little guy run all over a big overgrown field, tail wagging like a flag, never giving up until he finds his ball. He's so good at it that we forget that he can't see!. And he loves it! I'm tagging this for the overgrown clover filled grass virtually concealing Spike's green ball and a fair amount of Spike himself.
It doesn't exactly put things into perspective...what possibly could?...but it does get us out of our own heads briefly and away from our perception that our democracy is being methodically turned into a third world country.
Money is being taken from libraries, museums, school lunch programs, health and food security safety net programs and universities' scientific research programs. Newspapers that are considered 'liberal' are no longer allowed in the White House Press Corps. Pictures of Black and female soldiers and articles about them are disappearing from the National Archives and transgender students are losing their student loans.
Elon Musk refers to anyone with whom he disagrees as 'NPC's' ,a gaming term that stands for 'nonplayer character', a character that cannot think or act on its own and is only there to populate the game for the actual players. There are some who say that this dehumanization of political opponents is to dismiss. the pain they are inflicting. I don't agree. I don't think they care.
It's a sad thing to hope for, but nothing will change until the people who unquestioningly follow and applaud this madness (the non-NPCs?) begin to realize that they also are the being hurt.
I wasn't going to rant today. I was going to talk about the nice moment when we were standing in the middle of a field in the sunshine admiring the blue sky and feeling the absolute normalcy of the suburban life going on around me. And it was a nice moment.
But I got derailed. One just can't get away from it for long....
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