
By SparseRunner


Today was beautifully sunny, but cold. In work I had a productive discussion with my immediate boss, an excellent supervision meeting with my Year 4 project student, lunch with И, and then another enjoyable afternoon in the office, as five of us worked and interacted to mutual benefit. 

In the evening we released our blog about the collaboration between HiGHS and NVIDIA - they are using one of our solvers to accelerate one of their solvers. This was released to coincide with Jensen Huang's announcement that NVIDIA will release its optimization solvers as open-source. In the end he didn't mention HiGHS, but the collaboration is still great kudos for the School.

In the evening I cooked for myself because A was in Edinburgh, then I walked Django briefly before the fortnightly meeting with the modelling language developer and energy modellers. After that I made some strategic posts on LinkedIn, before realising that I'd promised Django another walk...

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