On Some Days

By V1k1

Heart of The Country . . . Paul & Linda McCartney

Wide Wednesday . . . Animal/Scene

After the pool I drove to the edge of town looking for animals.  The first I came across were the small flock of sheep in the field with the peonies growing in a fenced off square.  The leaves of the peonies are turning red and brown.  Further out were three cows but they were sitting down and the background wasn't very interesting.  On my return to town I saw a piece of rural land which is being developed into another housing subdivision.  I did read a community group has been formed to talk with the council about the district plan and the way Richmond keeps expanding out onto productive rural land and changing the nature of these green environments into houses and light industrial parks.  Rural and urban are now butting up against each other.  In the eight years I have been here I have seen this road become houses and this is the remaining grassed area.  
Thanks Bob for keeping it wide on Wednesdays.    

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