Emergency snacks and blip
What a dull selection of pictures I have to choose
from today.
The first two that I took were from my bed. I want to get an estimate for having a wardrobe/cupboard built into a recess and I need to send a picture and measurements of the space. I aim to measure and send by the end of March. I spent some time whether it would be a cupboard or a wardrobe, what the difference was and did it really matter what I labelled it. The AI assistant on my phone gave me this
'The word "cupboard" evolved from the practice of storing cups and other tableware. Its origins relate to the idea of a board or shelf where cups were displayed.
* "Wardrobe" has its roots in Old French:
* It comes from "warderobe" (or "garderobe").
* "Warder" (or "garder") means "to keep" or "to guard."
* "Robe" means "garment."
* So, a wardrobe was originally a room or space where garments were kept and guarded.
* Over time it also became the name for the furniture item that is used for storing clothing.'
A dull picture.
The second picture, my view when I look outside from my bed. I am thankful for so many things relating to where and how I live. It is not a beautiful view by any stretch of the imagination. I can see a section of a sports field and a few weeks back a white fence was installed around the perimeter of the rugby pitch. I was speaking to a colleague last week about the reasons it was there and commenting on its appearance.
A dull picture.
Last option is snacks. During another long working day, I managed only a brief walk around the block amidst almost back to back meetings and priority tasks. I did no crafting, no swimming, no reading, no writing. My before, after and in between was spent on some domestic chores, some audio and a bit of screen time. The screen time was spent watching an episode of 'The Graveyard'. The dialogue is in Turkish so. I have to pay attention to the subtitles. I had some snacks.
Dull picture.
I decided to go with the snacks but when I went to upload I got a message saying invalid dimensions. It was an image straight from my phone, exactly like the other 2. I didn't want to lose what I'd written so I selected the view instead .
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