Another day, another EB!
This morning I was with Ordille! She and her long term partner are getting married in a couple of weeks in the Netherlands. They only decided about a week ago, so it's all a whirlwind of organising stuff. Gorgeous hearing about the plans. I've been invited, but time and money make it a bit tricky to get there! Can't wait to hear all about it though.
This afternoon Asha had a full time of bus pass appointment, Catalán and dentist to sort something that had gone wrong... So I was at football with Nate and Danny was on Asha chauffeur duties.
Later we had Caña Club. One of our friends there is buying a house tomorrow, so lots of talk about that!!
Today I'm grateful for;
1) This lovely cat and all the joy and love he brings to our home.
2) All the laughter at football training. The trainer had them doing hilarious things this afternoon, and the atmosphere was really gorgeous because of it.
3) Ordille and the growing friendship and vulnerability. Conversation is wide ranging and deep.
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