Dawn's Journal

By DawnP

Tiny Adventures

I took a wander along the Basingstoke Canal from Frimley Lodge to the canal centre.  There is a small dock near the centre, now silted up with a layer of decomposing Autumn leaves. A pair of Egyptian geese on the bank were carefully, if a bit anxiously, watching over the dock and as I got closer I saw why.

A half dozen tiny balls of fluff were paddling around in the dock, digging under the leaves for juicy titbits and generally having a wail of a time.  

Vegetation and shrubbery at the end of the dock formed a natural ramp so I’m sure they could get out to be reunited with their parents (if not the canal centre staff would no doubt lend a hand) so I left them to their fun and strolled back to the car and home in time for tea.

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